Monday, October 12, 2009

I Think it’s Time to Dust

Yep, that’s my dust.

I am a creature of habit; plain and simple. I have a schedule/list for everything, including cleaning. It has its advantages but there is one big disadvantage: my house rarely gets dusted. How, you ask. It’s really quite simple.

I clean on Mondays. I pull the sheets off the beds and while they’re washing, I vacuum the entire house. I then clean the bathrooms, sweep the floors and then mop. And what’s left? Dusting.

Just last Monday, I looked around my house and said this house is gross, I have to clean. What was I referring to that was gross? The dust. Did I start with dusting? Nope, I pulled out the vacuum. And guess what happened? By the time I got the whole house cleaned and was ready to dust, I got sidetracked. Before I knew it, it was Wednesday and then Friday and I finally had a chance to dust. But I didn’t because I thought, it’s almost Monday; might as well wait. And there you have it.

And because I wait so long I can’t dry dust because there’s just too much. I have to use a spray to be able to capture all of those nasty little dust particles. I can’t seem to find the time to dust, but I have time to make my own dusting spray…go figure.

It’s very simple: 2 parts olive oil to 1 part lemon juice. Combine in a new spray bottle. Don’t forget to label the spray bottle so you know exactly what’s in it when you finally find the time to use it again. Shake well before each use. It doesn’t take very much and I’ve found that it’s much more effective to spray the rag instead of the furniture.

My dusting cloths are also very simple: Mr.’s old t-shirts. It seems his t-shirts multiply and it just so happens that they’re about to jump out of his drawer at the exact same time that I need more dust rags. And since I don’t dust very frequently, the few that I take from his drawer seem to last me quite some time.

When I find the time to dust, my furniture loves it. The olive oil feeds the wood and it looks like new. If all else fails, you have the recipe for a great base for homemade salad dressing.

1 comment:

  1. How perfect! A dusting spray and a nice salad dressing all in one! :-)
